Me, My Pig, and I

Glenn Livingston
Publisher's Summary
Best known for his bestselling book Never Binge Again (more than 2,000 reviews and hundreds of thousands of fans) which makes the outrageous promise to give you permanent control on the diet of your choice, Dr. Glenn Livingston has done it again. In Me, My Pig, and I he outlines the life which led him to develop this radically effective system to help overcome overeating, in delightful, poignant stories with which the listener will instantly identify.
You'll learn everything from Dr. Livingston's earliest personal history, to his position as CEO of two firms which sold more than 30 million dollars of marketing consulting to Fortune 500 companies like Kraft, Nabisco, Plantars-Lifesavers, Lipton, Novartis, Bausch & Lomb, American Express, Whirlpool, and dozens more big names you'd recognize in a heartbeat.
This is your chance to listen to his story in full so you can more effectively leverage his success to stop overeating...and improve your life in ways you never dreamed possible.